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Dr. Gregg Beckham from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory's National Bioenergy Center is the winner of the 2014 CoMSEF Young Investigator Award. Gregg joined NREL in 20xx... With this award, Gregg is cited “...for elucidation of cellulose degradation mechanisms towards improved enzymes for biofuels and other renewable energy applications.” Gregg received his award during the CoMSEF Plenary Session at the 2014 AIChE Annual Meeting, where he also gave a talk titled “How the Walls Come Crumbling Down: Elucidating Mechanisms of Cellulose-Active Enzymes Using Molecular Simulation” describing his research.
The CoMSEF Young Investigator Award for Modeling and Simulation is awarded annually to a member of CoMSEF who is within 7 years of completion of their highest degree in the year of the award.