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CoMSEF Bylaws, Oct 2009



American Institute of Chemical Engineers

Original set receiving CTOC approval, November 6, 2000

Amendments to eliminate Second Vice-Chair and to change terms of the officers to two years each; Approved by membership and CTOC, August 2002

Amendments to modify the responsibilities of Liaison Directors, specify an election tie-breaker procedure, and specify a deadline for sending the slate of candidates to the membership during each election cycle; Approved by the membership October 2009


Article I - Name and Objectives

Section 1.
The name of this organization shall be the Computational Molecular Science and Engineering Forum (CoMSEF) of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (the Institute).

Section 2.
The Forum is established in accordance with the Institute's Constitution, By-laws and Rules.

Section 3.
CoMSEF is a forum for the combined community of engineers and scientists who are developing and applying molecularly based theories, modeling, and simulation. Its scope of technical interests includes chemical, biological, and materials processes and products. A key feature is joining molecularly based modeling with the other computational methodologies that are used in the chemical engineering sciences for research, development, operations, and education.

Section 4.
The objectives of the Division shall be to:

  1. Provide a forum for communication and networking among those with an interest in the computational molecular sciences and engineering.
  2. Coordinate, sponsor, co-sponsor, and advertise relevant programming, including crosscutting and special-initiative technical sessions and conferences.
  3. Promote interchange of ideas, concepts, know-how, and experiences in the computational molecular sciences and engineering, including their connections with experiment.
  4. Encourage educators at all levels, particularly in chemical engineering, to integrate concepts of computational molecular sciences and engineering.
  5. Advocate curricula that prepare students for career use of computational methods.
  6. Promote lifetime learning through workshops and short courses.
  7. Provide centralized links to technical publications, computer programs, and databases related to the computational molecular sciences and engineering.

Section 5.
The Forum is under the supervision and control of the Chemical Engineering Technology Operating Council (CTOC) of the Institute. Forum programming activities shall be carried out in cooperation with the National Programming Committee of the Institute. The Forum does not have the authority to act for the Institute or to incur any financial obligations in the name of the Institute.


Article II - Membership

Section 1.
Membership in the Forum is by self-selection, subject to the payment of any annual dues required by the Executive Committee.

Section 2.
Nonmembers of the Institute are encouraged to join the Forum. Application to the Vice-Chair for Membership will permit membership without payment of dues, if so required, for one year with the approval of the Chair of the Forum.


Article III - Organization

Section 1.
An Executive Committee of ten members shall direct the activities of the Forum: the current three officers, the immediate past chair of the Forum, two vice-chairs for membership and communications, and four Liaison Directors.

Section 2.
The officers of the Forum shall be a Chair, a Vice-Chair, and a Secretary-Treasurer, all of who shall hold membership in the Forum. The Vice-Chair and Secretary-Treasurer are elected by the membership for terms of two years. Succession from Vice-Chair to Chair shall be automatic, and the term of the chair shall be two years. The Chair is not eligible for re-election as an officer for a period of four years. The Secretary-Treasurer may be re-elected. The Vice-Chairs for Membership and for Communications shall be appointed annually by the Chair.

Section 3.
The Liaison Directors are elected by the membership. Any member of the Forum is eligible. Liaison Directors are elected for a term of two years each, with two Directors elected each year. The slate of nominees for the Liaison Directors will be generated by the officers of the Forum and include any other external nominations. Liaison Directors shall not be eligible for re-election for a period of four years.

Section 4.
Ad hoc members of the Executive Committee can be appointed by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.

Section 5.
The Executive Committee shall direct the activities of the Forum.

Section 6.
The Chair is the chief officer of the Forum and is Chair of the Executive Committee. The Vice-Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair in the Chair's absence or inability to serve. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Chair, the Vice-Chair shall serve as the chief officer of the Forum until the next election.

Section 7.
The Chair shall:

  1. Develop the Forum in accordance with the Forum Goal and Objectives.
  2. Provide leadership and management for the Forum.
  3. Serve as the presiding officer for all Forum and Executive Committee meetings.
  4. Appoint task forces for special projects as needed.
  5. Coordinate activities through the leadership of the Executive Committee.
  6. Coordinate activities of the Liaison Directors.
  7. Assign representative(s) to programming retreat or other programming activities requiring forum representation.
  8. Assist the vice chair with programming, especially during the Vice Chair's first year of service.

Section 8.
The Vice Chair shall:

  1. Formulate and implement long-term plans and strategic activities for the Forum.
  2. Implement projects in coordination with the Chair.
  3. Serve as the Forum liaison to the Institute.
  4. Be responsible for the programming activities of the Forum. The Vice-Chair, incollaboration with the Chair, shall prepare for the symposia and other programs. Responsibilities include coordinating Forum activities with the National Programming Committee and other programming groups. The Vice-Chair shall be the representative of CoMSEF to the National Program Committee.

Section 9.
The Secretary-Treasurer shall:

  1. Handle the general correspondence of the Forum, and shall, at the direction of the Chair, issue all notices of all meetings.
  2. Handle and record the collection and disbursement of funds as authorized by the Executive Committee of the Forum.
  3. Coordinate, with Headquarters, the preparation, electronic mailing, and tallying of annual election ballots.
  4. Submit a report covering the finances and activities of the Forum at the end of each year to the Executive Committee of the Forum and the Secretary of the Institute.
  5. Prepare a proposed budget for the upcoming year, for review and approval by the Executive Committee.

Section 10.
The Vice-Chair for Communications shall:

  1. Keep records of the proceedings of the Forum.
  2. Issue announcements of all meetings.
  3. Publish electronic newsletters in the Spring and Fall of each year.
  4. Oversee the maintenance of the Forum website, including financial aspects.

Section 11.
The Vice-Chair for Membership shall:

  1. Maintain records of the membership.
  2. Plan and implement strategies to recruit suitable members.

Section 12.
The Liaison Directors shall:

  1. Facilitate programming with other organizations by identifying opportunities for co-sponsorship
  2. Communicate and advocate CoMSEF activities with other organizations.
  3. As members of the Executive Committee, aid the other officers in developing and carrying out CoMSEF activities and preparing the CoMSEF newsletter.

Section 13.
The duties in Sections 8 to 12 can be changed or redistributed with approval of the Executive Committee.

Section 14.
Such other committees as may be required shall be appointed by the Chairman with the approval of the Executive Committee. The Chair with the approval of the Executive Committee may terminate the services of any such committees or committee members at any time.

Section 15.
Committees that are appointed to prepare for specific meetings or other events will continue to perform their functions, if satisfactorily handled, until the meetings or events designated have actually occurred. The term of service of such committees may therefore continue after the retirement of the Chair who made the original appointments.

Section 16.
If a vacancy other than the Chair arises in the Executive Committee, the replacement shall be appointed based on majority vote of a quorum of the remaining Executive Committee members.


Article IV - Meetings

Section 1.
There shall be at least one general meeting of the Forum during the Annual Meeting of the Institute. The Chair of the Forum shall schedule the meeting.

Section 2.
The Chair of the Forum shall preside at all meetings of the Forum Executive Committee. In the absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair, or the Secretary-Treasurer, in that order, shall preside.

Section 3.
Notices will be sent to the membership for Forum meetings called at any time other than the Annual Meeting.

Section 4.
A quorum for meetings of the Forum body shall consist of at least 5% of the Forum's membership. Except otherwise stated in these By-laws, all decisions at a meeting of the Forum will be decided by the majority vote of those present.

Section 5.
The presiding officer shall determine the order of business for meetings of the Forum.

Section 6.
The Forum Executive Committee shall meet at least once each year. The Chair may call meetings at such places and times as (s)he deems advisable. Meetings may be held by physical Meetings may be held by physical attendance, teleconference, videoconference, or other electronic communications means, and votes (including election of officers) may be cast either in person, by mail, or by other electronic communications means. Meetings may also be called at the request of a majority of the members of the Executive Committee. Notices will be sent to the Executive Committee of all meetings at least two weeks in advance unless all members of the Executive Committee agree in writing (including electronic approval) to an earlier meeting.

Section 7.
A majority of the members of the Forum Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum. Except where otherwise stated in these By-laws, all actions of the Executive Committee shall be by simple majority vote of the quorum. The presiding officer does not normally vote. Only in the event of a tie vote will the presiding officer cast the deciding vote.

Section 8.
Any member of the Forum Executive Committee who fails to attend two consecutive Executive Committee meetings shall be considered to have tendered his or her resignation from the Executive Committee. However, such a resignation shall be effective only upon acceptance by the Executive Committee, which shall have taken into account any extenuating circumstances.


Article V - Elections

Section 1.
The Vice-Chair, Secretary-Treasurer, and two Liaison Directors shall be elected by letter or electronic ballot sent to Forum members by October 1 of the election year. Election shall be by a majority of those voting. In the event of a tie, the Executive Committee shall break the tie. If a member of the Executive Committee is involved in the tie, (s)he shall not participate in this process. Three weeks shall be allowed between the mailing of the ballots and the counting of the votes. The Executive Committee shall certify the count.

Section 2.
Nominations for the elected offices in Section 1 shall come from the Executive Committee. Under the leadership of the Chair, the Executive Committee shall formulate a slate of one or more candidates for each of the remaining offices to be filled. The slate shall be sent to the membership and other nominations solicited by September 1. Nominations from the membership will be accepted if received by the Chair by September 24 before the election.

Section 3.
No member shall be eligible for election to more than one office at one time.

Section 4.
The newly elected officers shall take office at the conclusion of the Forum's general meeting in the year in which they are elected.

Section 5.
Delinquent members shall not be eligible to vote or to hold office.


Article VI - Dues and Finances

Section 1.
The Forum Executive Committee in accordance with policies of the Institute shall determine annual dues. Those members who continue to be delinquent on the following January 1 shall be dropped from the rolls of the Forum.

Section 2.
The Forum Executive Committee shall make all other regulations regarding payment of dues and shall provide for an annual audit of the Forum's financial accounts.

Section 3.
The Forum Executive Committee shall review, in their last meeting of the year, the budget submitted for the upcoming year by the Secretary-Treasurer. The officers of the Forum may make expenditures within the provisions of the approved budget. The Forum Executive Committee shall spend additional amounts only after specific approval.


Article VII - General Provisions

Section 1.
The decision of the Executive Committee shall be final on any questions concerning the interpretation of the By-laws, subject to the jurisdiction of the Chemical Technology Operating Council of the Institute.

Section 2.
In all respects not specifically covered by these By-laws, the general rules of the Institute governing the conduct of the Forums shall apply with equal force as if included in these By-laws.

Section 3.
In the case that the Forum is dissolved, any remaining assets shall be returned to the Institute.


Article VIII - Amendments

Section 1.
All proposed amendments of these By-laws shall be reduced to writing. Amendments shall be proposed to and voted on by the membership.

Section 2.
A proposed amendment ballot shall be sent electronically or otherwise to all Forum members. Voting results shall be certified by the Executive Committee, which shall accept as approval of the amendments a two-thirds affirmative vote of those returning these ballots. The amendment shall then be submitted to the Chemical Engineering Technology Operating Council (CTOC) of the Institute and shall become an effective part of the By-laws upon its approval.

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