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Elections 2020

This year we will elect a Vice Chair, a Secretary-Treasurer, and 2 Liaison Directors. A link to the ballot will be sent to you by email.

The Vice Chair shall:
  • Formulate and implement long-term plans and strategic activities for the Forum.
  • Implement projects in coordination with the Chair.
  • Serve as the Forum liaison to the Institute.
  • Be responsible for the programming activities of the Forum. The Vice-Chair, incollaboration with the Chair, shall prepare for the symposia and other programs. Responsibilities include coordinating Forum activities with the National Programming Committee and other programming groups. The Vice-Chair shall be the representative of CoMSEF to the National Program Committee.

The Vice Chair becomes Chair after the two-year term.

The candidates for Vice Chair are:

The Secretary-Treasurer shall:
  • Handle the general correspondence of the Forum, and shall, at the direction of the Chair, issue all notices of all meetings.
  • Handle and record the collection and disbursement of funds as authorized by the Executive Committee of the Forum.
  • Coordinate, with Headquarters, the preparation, electronic mailing, and tallying of annual election ballots.
  • Submit a report covering the finances and activities of the Forum at the end of each year to the Executive Committee of the Forum and the Secretary of the Institute.
  • Prepare a proposed budget for the upcoming year, for review and approval by the Executive Committee.

The candidate for Secretary-Treasurer is:

  • Joe Golab (Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy)

The Liaison Directors shall:
  • Facilitate programming with other organizations by identifying opportunities for co-sponsorship
  • Communicate and advocate CoMSEF activities with other organizations.
  • As members of the Executive Committee, aid the other officers in developing and carrying out CoMSEF activities and preparing the CoMSEF newsletter.

The candidates for Liaison Director are:

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