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Prof. Nicholas E. Jackson (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign) has won the 2024 CoMSEF Young Investigator Award. He is cited for "For the development and application of scalable quantum mechanical approaches to soft materials at the coarse-grained resolution." Jackson earned a Ph.D. in Chemistry from Northwestern University in 2016, working with Prof. Mark Ratner and Prof. Lin Chen. He was then a Named Fellow and Assistant Scientist in the Materials Science Division at Argonne National Laboratory, working with Prof. Juan de Pablo. Nicholas delivered a presentation describing his research during the CoMSEF Plenary Session at the 2024 AIChE Annual Meeting in San Diego. The award recognizes outstanding research in computational molecular science and engineering, encompassing both methods and applications. Nominees may hold positions in academia, industry, or a government lab, and must be within 7 years of completion of their highest degree.