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Conference Presentation Award

The CoMSEF Conference Presentation Award recognizes excellence in research by undergraduate students, graduate students and/or postdoctoral researchers. The intent of the award is to reward significant contributions to research in computational molecular science and engineering by young researchers. The award consists of an announcement for the presentation (e.g. a ribbon to place on the poster) and a waived conference registration fee for the awardee.

Nominations should consist of a single nomination package (in PDF format) consisting of a summary of nominee’s presentation at the meeting in extended abstract style along with a clear statement as to how the work impacts CoMSEF’s mission. A nominating letter from the student's research advisor and the curriculum vitae of the nominee (Nominee's abbreviated/ highlighted CV (~ 1-2 pages)).

This year CoMSEF will be sponsoring a Conference Presentation Award to participate in FOMMS ( A single nominations should be sent by the advisor via e-mail in pdf format to the CoMSEF Vice-Chair ( by March 12, 2015 (extended to March 26, 2015).   

In addition, nominees must present a poster (or talk) at the Conference. The nominee must be an undergraduate student, graduate student or postdoctoral researcher at the time of the the presentation, and the faculty nominator must be a member of CoMSEF.  The winners will be selected by a committee composed of CoMSEF officers and a conference representative (i.e. chair.)

Past Winners

  • 2015: Kayla Sprenger (Univsersity of Washington, Advisor: Jim Pfaendtner, Conference: FOMMS 2015) 
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