Purpose: This award recognizes outstanding research in computational molecular science and engineering, encompassing both methods and applications. Nominees may hold positions in academia, industry, or a government lab, and must be within 7 years of completion of their highest degree (e.g., someone receiving a PhD degree in 2010 is eligible for the award through 2017).
Requirement: Nominees must be current members of the Computational Molecular Science and Engineering Forum (CoMSEF). The CoMSEF Chair and Vice-Chair are ineligible for nomination while they hold these offices. Other CoMSEF officers are eligible for nomination. An additional year of eligibility will be granted for up to two cases of a qualifying life event such as the birth or adoption of a child or extended care of a sick family member, up to a maximum of 17 years since completion of their highest degree for the impact award, and up to a maximum of 9 years since completion of their highest degree for the young investigator award. Note: For eligibility extension, all other life events, including COVID, that would have caused you a personal hardship and delayed you relative to peers would be considered on a case-to-case basis.
Nomination process: A single nomination package consisting of the AIChE Division or Forum Award Nomination Form, the nominee's CV, a nomination letter (typically from the nominee's department chair or immediate supervisor) and two supporting letters of recommendation, and the proof of CoMSEF membership should be submitted as a single portable document format (pdf) file to the CoMSEF chair (chair@comsef.org). The nomination should provide a clear statement of the impact of the nominee's work on the field and include an award citation of 25 words or fewer beginning with the word 'For'. Self-nominations are discouraged. The call for nominations will coincide with the announcement of the AIChE Annual Meeting's call for papers. If additional years of eligibility are requested, it is the responsibility of the nominator to provide a brief description of the life event, and the number of years of eligibility extension requested. The CoMSEF Chair and Vice-Chair will review the extension request prior to the award selection process and, as needed, request additional information to ensure that the eligibility is in line with typical standards used at Universities in the US. (i.e., all eligible members, whether from industry, national lab or academia, will receive the same ‘clock extension’ provision for life events that are typically provided to tenure track faculty). The deadline for receipt of nominations shall be May 1st annually.
Renomination of candidates is encouraged. It is recommended but not required that the contents of the nomination package be updated each year; while supporting letters may be re-used, the nomination form must have current dates.
Selection process: An ad hoc selection committee consisting of current CoMSEF officers and two representatives drawn from related organizations (e.g., Area 1a committee, CACHE trustees) will choose the winner based on the overall strength of the research accomplishments of the candidate. A decision regarding the winner of the award shall be made by July 1st in order to allow for the award winner to appear in promotional material for the annual AIChE meeting. The award shall be presented at the annual AIChE meeting and the awardee shall give an invited talk in the CoMSEF plenary session.
Frequency: Awarded annually
Prize: A plaque and a cash award
Past Winners
- 2023 - Rebecca Lindsey
- 2022 - Antonia Statt
- 2021 - Reid Van Lehn
- 2020 - Andrew White
- 2019 - Amir Haji-Akbari
- 2018 - Diwakar Shukla
- 2017 - Christopher Wilmer
- 2016 - Andrew Ferguson
- 2015 - Joshua Anderson
- 2014 - Gregg Beckham
- 2013 - Arthi Jayaraman